Read and Write a BMP file.

Read and Write a BMP file from scratch

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#include "01_09_02_bmp.h" int main() { int i,j; Image* I = NouvelleImage(256,256); for(i=0;i<256;i++) { for(j=0;j<256;j++) { Pixel p; p.r = i; p.g = j; p.b = 0; SetPixel(I,i,j,p); } } //Image* I = Charger("test.bmp"); Sauver(I,"test.bmp"); DelImage(I); return 0; }


#ifndef _BMP_H #define _BMP_H typedef struct Pixel { unsigned char r,g,b; } Pixel; typedef struct Image { int w,h; Pixel* dat; } Image; Image* Charger(const char* fichier); int Sauver(Image*,const char* fichier); Image* NouvelleImage(int w,int h); Image* CopieImage(Image*); void SetPixel(Image*,int i,int j,Pixel p); Pixel GetPixel(Image*,int i,int j); void DelImage(Image*); #endif


#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "01_09_02_bmp.h" Image* NouvelleImage(int w,int h) { Image* I = malloc(sizeof(Image)); I->w = w; I->h = h; I->dat = calloc(1,w*h*sizeof(Pixel*)); return I; } Image* CopieImage(Image* I) { Image* res; if (!I) return NULL; res = NouvelleImage(I->w,I->h); memcpy(res->dat,I->dat,I->w*I->h*sizeof(Pixel)); return res; } void DelImage(Image* I) { if (I) { free(I->dat); free(I); } } void SetPixel(Image* I,int i,int j,Pixel p) { assert(I && i>=0 && i<I->w && j>=0 && j<I->h); I->dat[I->w*j+i] = p; } Pixel GetPixel(Image* I,int i,int j) { assert(I && i>=0 && i<I->w && j>=0 && j<I->h); return I->dat[I->w*j+i]; } // ------------------------------------------- #pragma pack(1) // desative l'alignement mémoire typedef int int32; typedef short int16; struct BMPImHead { int32 size_imhead; int32 width; int32 height; int16 nbplans; // toujours 1 int16 bpp; int32 compression; int32 sizeim; int32 hres; int32 vres; int32 cpalette; int32 cIpalette; }; struct BMPHead { char signature[2]; int32 taille; int32 rsv; int32 offsetim; struct BMPImHead imhead; }; Image* Charger(const char* fichier) { struct BMPHead head; Image* I; int i,j,pitch; unsigned char bgrpix[3]; char corrpitch[4] = {0,3,2,1}; Pixel p; FILE* F = fopen(fichier,"rb"); if (!F) return NULL; fread(&head,sizeof(struct BMPHead),1,F); if (head.signature[0]!='B' || head.signature[1]!='M') return NULL; // mauvaise signature, ou BMP non supporté. if (head.imhead.bpp!=24) return NULL; // supporte que le 24 bits pour l'instant if (head.imhead.compression!=0) return NULL; // rarrissime, je ne sais même pas si un logiciel écrit/lit des BMP compressés. if (head.imhead.cpalette!=0 || head.imhead.cIpalette!=0) return NULL; // pas de palette supportée, cependant, a bpp 24, il n'y a pas de palette. I = NouvelleImage(head.imhead.width,head.imhead.height); pitch = corrpitch[(3*head.imhead.width)%4]; for(j=0;j<I->h;j++) { for(i=0;i<I->w;i++) { fread(&bgrpix,1,3,F); p.r = bgrpix[2]; p.g = bgrpix[1]; p.b = bgrpix[0]; SetPixel(I,i,I->h-j-1,p); } fread(&bgrpix,1,pitch,F); } fclose(F); return I; } int Sauver(Image* I,const char* fichier) { struct BMPHead head; Pixel p; int i,j,tailledata,pitch; unsigned char bgrpix[3]; char corrpitch[4] = {0,3,2,1}; FILE* F = fopen(fichier,"wb"); if (!F) return -1; memset(&head,0,sizeof(struct BMPHead)); head.signature[0] = 'B'; head.signature[1] = 'M'; head.offsetim = sizeof(struct BMPHead); // je vais toujours écrire sur le même moule. head.imhead.size_imhead = sizeof(struct BMPImHead); head.imhead.width = I->w; head.imhead.height = I->h; head.imhead.nbplans = 1; head.imhead.bpp = 24; pitch = corrpitch[(3*head.imhead.width)%4]; tailledata = 3*head.imhead.height*head.imhead.width + head.imhead.height*pitch; head.imhead.sizeim = tailledata; head.taille = head.offsetim + head.imhead.sizeim; fwrite(&head,sizeof(struct BMPHead),1,F); for(j=0;j<I->h;j++) { for(i=0;i<I->w;i++) { p = GetPixel(I,i,I->h-j-1); bgrpix[0] = p.b; bgrpix[1] = p.g; bgrpix[2] = p.r; fwrite(&bgrpix,1,3,F); } bgrpix[0] = bgrpix[1] = bgrpix[2] = 0; fwrite(&bgrpix,1,pitch,F); } fclose(F); return 0; }


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